
Rose Hill Plantation

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 6 months ago





Fairfax Co., VA


Date Constructed/ Founded

not determined


Associated Surnames

French, Talbutt


Historical notes

Rose Hill Plantation is described in an 1813 newspaper advertisement (by H. Toler) as about 356 or more acres, consisting of woodlands and meadows with good soil, surrounded with fencing. The property included a two story house and several out buildings, plus a large garden.


Associated Slave Workplaces



Associated Free Persons


  • Daniel French (b.1723-d.aft.1774) - plantation owner
  • Penelope Manley French (b.1739-d.?) - wife of Daniel French (m.1755); close neighbor of President George Washington; as a widow, she hired out 40 slaves to George Washington in 1786 when he acquired her life rights to land she owned at Dogue Run Farm
  • Elizabeth French (b.1757-d.?) - daughter of Daniel and Penelope M. French


  • Henry Talbutt (b.1804-d.?) - owner


Associated Enslaved Persons


1786 Slaves Hired by George Washington from Mrs. French

From George Washington's Will, 1799; these enslaved persons were at Dogue Run Farm unless otherwise noted

  • Abram - in his prime; wife Nancy lived at Muddy Hole Farm
  • Simm's
  • Daphne - wife of Simm's, age 40, carpenter and plougher; "Ploughs very Well, and is a good hand at any work."
  • Matilda - daughter of Simm's and Daphne, age 13
  • Polly - daughter of Simm's and Daphne, age 9
  • Maria - daughter of Simm's and Daphne, age 2
  • Delia - age 35, no husband, spinner; "Equally good at the Spinning Wheel or Hoe, but has been kept chiefly at the farm."
  • Daniel - son of Delia, age 16
  • Betty - daughter of Delia, age 13
  • Jack - son of Delia, age 7
  • Julia - daughter of Delia, age 4
  • Nelly - daughter of Delia, age 2
  • Ambrose - son of Delia, age 1
  • Davy - Mrs. Washington's
  • Grace - wife of Davy; age 28, plougher; "A very good Plougher--and equally so at all sorts of Work."
  • Bob - son of Davy and Grace, age 10
  • Sall - daughter of Davy and Grace, age 8
  • Judy - daughter of Davy and Grace, age 4
  • Augusta - daughter of Davy and Grace, age 1
  • Hannah - age 14, no husband; "nearly at her full growth and a woman in appearance."
  • Isaac - age 29, in his prime, no wife, lives at Muddy Hole Farm
  • James - age 24, at the distillery
  • Julius - age 23, carter; "A very good Carter, and can do any other work, although defective in Shape from his Infancy."
  • George - McCarty's; Note: Daniel McCarty Jr. (b.1759-d.1801), lived at Cedar Grove on Pohick Bay
  • Lucy - age 55, knitter; "Lame, or pretends to be so occasioned by rheumatic pains, but is a good knitter, & so emplyed."
  • Briney - daughter of George and Lucy, age 12
  • Stately - son of George and Lucy, age 10
  • Renney - daughter of George and Lucy, age 6
  • Raison - daughter of George and Lucy, age 3
  • Morgan - son of George and Lucy, age 2
  • Phoenix - son of George and Lucy, age 1
  • Milly - age 18, no husband; "A full grown Woman, and (illegible)ly; has been used to Common work only."
  • Moses - age 26, in his prime, plowman and carter
  • Nancy - age 16, no husband "The same--in all respects." (to Milly)
  • Paschall - in his prime; wife Cornelia lately lost (deceased) at Muddy Hole Farm
  • Rose - deceased
  • Grace - age 12, daughter of Rose (deceased)
  • Isaac - age 14, son of Rose (deceased)
  • Sabine - age 60; "A good working woman, notwithstanding her (age)."
  • Nancy - age 10, daughter of Sabine
  • Jack - Mrs. Washington's
  • Siss - age 25, wife of Jack; plougher; "Ploughs Well--and can Milk & Churn."
  • Spencer - age 20, carter and mower; "A good Carter and Mower and able at any business."
  • Tom - age 28, in his prime, no wife, getting blind
  • Will - old but hearty, looks after the stock; wife at Mrs. French's (Penelope Manley French lived at Rose Hill Plantation, on the back road to Alexandria)


1804 Slaves of Henry Talbutt

From Runaway Slaves: Rebels on the Plantation by John H. Franklin and Loren Schweninger

  • Sam - runaway slave; ran with his family from Rose Hill, perhaps to avoid being separated by auction
  • Suckey - wife of Sam; runaway slave
  • Jane - daughter of Sam and Suckey; runaway slave
  • three small children (of Sam and Suckey, also "runaways")


Research Leads and Plantation Records


  • none reported yet


Miscellaneous Information


  • none





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  • none recorded yet

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