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Robert Weiner

Page history last edited by Robert Weiner 9 years, 8 months ago

Robert Weiner



About Me


A Law Librarian at the Syracuse University College of Law, I am assisting a law professor here, Janis L. McDonald, with research into southern plantations and slavery in the Natchez area circa 1820-1840. We are particularly interested in the plantations and properties originally owned by Samuel Clement (and later by Antonio Yznaga del Valle and Ellen Yznaga) including Ravenswood Plantation in Concordia Parish, LA and Consuelo Plantation in Tensas Parish, LA. Current research interests involve the activities of Henry Orne, Clement's brother-in-law, who resided in Concordia Parish from approx. 1835-1840, and who may have assisted with the management of Ravenswood and other properties following Clement's death in 1833. Please let me know if you encounter any mention of Henry Orne in regard to any plantation activities and/or life in the Natchez area during this time period.




Pages I've created




Plantations/ Workplaces I'm Researching


  • Ravenswood Plantation - This was the main property belonging to Samuel Clement. We are very interested in tracing the slave families from this plantation and others owned by Clement and his descendents. Please contact me if you believe that an ancestor may have lived on the Ravenswood Plantation or any property owned by Clement and his family.


Contact Info.


  • rjweiner (at) law.syr.edu


Comments (1)

Anonymous said

at 11:18 am on Apr 24, 2008

Hi Robert. Thanks for creating a personal page. Note: PBWiki translates Mc- names as links (camel case). To erase the link, surround your Mc- names with "raw" tags like this: <raw>McCloud</raw>

Thanks for contributing!

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