Levi Jordan





Brazoria Co.


Date Constructed/ Founded



Associated Surnames

Bowers, Boxley, Caster, Davis, Green, Grice, Grimes, Hendricks, Holmes, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Lemmons, Mack, Martin, McNeal, McNeill, McPherson, Silbey, Williams, Wright


Historical notes

Levi Jordan and twelve slaves arrived in Brazoria County, Texas in 1848, from Union County, Arkansas, in an attempt to establish a new plantation. According to the family’s oral history, Jordan was attempting to obtain land that would "outlive" him. In 1848, Jordan purchased 2,222 acres of land from Samuel M. Williams for $4.00 an acre. Shortly after this land purchase, Jordan returned to Arkansas, and adjacent Louisiana (where his daughter, Emily, her husband, James McNeill, and their children resided), to sell their plantations and move to Texas. The twelve slaves remained behind to begin the development of what would become one of the largest sugar and cotton producing plantations in Texas.


The primary cash crops produced during the antebellum period were sugar and cotton. Jordan built the largest sugar factory/mill in the county to process the cane from his farm and several neighboring plantations. Black researchers with roots in this area are likely to find connections to the Jordan plantation since, based upon a variety of historical records, Jordan raised and imported slaves for trade. Following the Civil War, the importance of his sugar production declined. After 1865, emancipation had nearly eliminated the work force and sugar was produced in very small quantities. However, sharecropping fostered the subsequent increase in cotton production. Staple food was produced on the plantation in large quantities throughout both periods. Thus, after 1865 Jordan shifted to a farming system which employed many of his former slaves and their descendants in a system of sharecropping and tenancy.


Associated Slave Workplaces



Associated Free Persons





Associated Enslaved Persons


1848 - 1886: Enslaved people, Freedpersons, Tenants and Sharecroppers

From Names of Enslaved people, Freedpersons, Tenants and Sharecroppers who lived on the Jordan plantation, 1848-1886: http://www.webarchaeology.com/html/afamres.htm Listed by last name.



Research Leads and Plantation Records



Miscellaneous Information


Slave and Tenant Quarters

The quarters were occupied by slaves from 1848 until 1865, and by sharecroppers and tenant farmers (many of whom were the same people and their children) until about 1888-1892


Juden Cemetery

"was in active use during the time of slavery, through emancipation, and into recent decades ... The symbolic attributes of these artifacts were hidden from Anglo-European surveillance through the re-use of material from the plantation landscape. Further, there is provocative evidence that the cognitive framework surrounding some of the symbolic forms found at the Jordan Plantation and the Juden Cemetery have been adapted from Kongo cosmological attributes." (read more from Hidden Power, Burial Practices from an African-American Slave and Tenant Community by David Bruner)





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