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Dogue Run Farm
Page history
last edited
by PBworks 17 years, 7 months ago
Fairfax Co., VA
Date Constructed/ Founded
not determined
Associated Surnames
not determined
Historical notes
See Mansion House Farm
Associated Slave Workplaces
Ferry Farm (Fairfax Co., VA); Mansion House Farm (Fairfax Co., VA); Muddy Hole Farm (Fairfax Co., VA); River Farm (Farifax Co., VA); Rose Hill Plantation (Fairfax Co., VA); Union Farm (Fairfax Co., VA)
Associated Free Persons
- George Eskridge Washington (b.1732-d.1799) - plantation owner; first President of the United States
- Martha Dandridge Custis Washington - wife of George E. Washington
- John "Jack" Parke Custis (b.1755-d.1781) - son of Daniel Parke and Martha D. Custis Washington
- Martha Parke "Patsy" Custis (b.1757-d.1773) - daughter of Daniel Parke and Martha D. Custis Washington
Associated Enslaved Persons
1786 Slaves at Washington's Grist Mill (at Dogue Run)
From George Washington's Diaries, 18 February 1786
- Ben - miller
- Davy - cowper
- Jack - cowper
- Tom - cowper
1786 Slaves at Dogue Run Farm
From George Washington's Diaries, 18 February 1786. "dower" = slaves owned by marriage/ dower of Martha Washington.
- Adam - laboring man
- Ben - laboring man
- Betty (dower) - laboring woman, 1 child
- Andrew - child of Betty, age 1
- Brunswick (dower) - ruptured
- Charity - laboring woman, 4 children
- Sarah - child of Charity, age 6
- Billy - child of Charity, age 5
- Hannah - child of Charity, age 3
- Elly - child of Charity, age 6 months
- Dick - laboring man
- Grace (dower) - laboring woman
- Jack - laboring man
- Jack-long - laboring man
- Jenny - laboring woman
- Jones (deceased) - 3 children
- Aggy - child of Jones, age 9
- Simon - child of Jones, age 4
- Bett - child of Jones, age 3
- Lucy (dower) - laboring woman, 3 children
- Jenny - child of Lucy, age 9
- Daniel - child of Lucy, age 3
- Ned - child of Lucy, age 6 months
- Matt (dower) - laboring man
- Moll - laboring woman
- Morris (dower) - overseer
- Hannah - wife of Morris
- Morris (dower) - laboring man
- Peg (dower) - laboring woman
- Crager - child of Peg, age 6 months
- Robin - laboring man
- Sall (dower) - laboring woman, 3 children
- Jesse - child of Sall, age 6
- Kitty - child of Sall, age 4
- Lawrence - child of Sall, age 1
- Silla - laboring woman, 2 children
- Sophia - child of Silla, age 3
- Sabra - child of Silla, age 6 months
- Sue (dower) - laboring woman, old
1799 Dogue Run Farm Slaves
From George Washington's Will, 1799. Owned by George Washington in his own right and by marriage (dower of wife Martha Washington)
- Agnes - age 25; husband Will (dower) lived at Mansion House Farm
- Guy - child of Will and Agnes, age 2
- Ben - age 57
- Peg (dower) - wife of Ben, age 30
- Billy (dower) - son of Ben and Peg, age 6
- Fendall (dower) - son of Ben and Peg, age 2
- Peg (dower) - daughter of Ben and Peg, age 8 months
- Betty - age 16, no husband
- Dick - age 46
- Charity - wife of Dick, age 42
- Fomison - daughter of Dick and Charity, age 11
- Dick - son of Dick and Charity, age 3
- Hannah - passed labor, age 60, partly an idiot
- Carter Jack - age 40
- Grace - wife of Jack, age 35
- Roger - child of Jack and Grace, age 10
- Molly - daughter of Jack and Grace, age 6
- Jenny - daughter of Jack and Grace, age 3
- Long Jack - age 60
- Molly - wife of Jack, age 45, cook
- Judy - blind, age 50; husband Gabriel lived at Muddy Hole Farm
- Kate (dower) - age 18, wife of "a negro of Moreton's"; Note: Moreton was probably Archibald Moreton who lived near Belvoir on the road from Washington's mill to Boggess's house
- Lawrence - age 14, son of Matilda
- Linney - age 27, no husband
- Bartley - daughter of Linney, age 6
- Matilda - daughter of Linney, age 1
- Lucy - age 50; husband Natt lived at Mansion House Farm
- Ned (dower) - son of Natt and Lucy, age 14
- Teney (dower) - daughter of Natt and Lucy, age 10
- Priscilla (Silla/ Siller?) - age 36; husband Slammin Joe lived at Mansion House Farm
- Sophia - daughter of Slamin Joe and Priscilla, age 14, no husband
- Savary - daughter of Slamin Joe and Priscilla, age 13
- Penny - daughter of Slamin Joe and Priscilla, age 11
- Israel - son of Slamin Joe and Priscilla, age 10
- Isrias - son of Slamin Joe and Priscilla, age 3
- Christopher - son of Slamin Joe and Priscilla, age 1
- Sall Twine (dower) - age 38; husband Gardener George lived at Mansion House Farm
- Barbary (dower) - daughter of George and Sall, age 11
- Abbay (dower) - daughter of George and Sall, age 10
- Hannah (dower) - daughter of George and Sall, age 4
- George (dower) - son of George and Sall, age 1
- Sarah - age 20, no husband
- Lucy - daughter of Sarah, age 2
- Simon - age 20, no wife
- Sue - age 70; passed labor, no husband
1799 Slaves Hired From Mrs. French of Rose Hill Plantation
From George Washington's Will, 1799
- Abram - in his prime; wife Nancy lived at Muddy Hole Farm
- Simm's
- Daphne - wife of Simm's, age 40, carpenter and plougher; "Ploughs very Well, and is a good hand at any work."
- Matilda - daughter of Simm's and Daphne, age 13
- Polly - daughter of Simm's and Daphne, age 9
- Maria - daughter of Simm's and Daphne, age 2
- Delia - age 35, no husband, spinner; "Equally good at the Spinning Wheel or Hoe, but has been kept chiefly at the farm."
- Daniel - son of Delia, age 16
- Betty - daughter of Delia, age 13
- Jack - son of Delia, age 7
- Julia - daughter of Delia, age 4
- Nelly - daughter of Delia, age 2
- Ambrose - son of Delia, age 1
- Davy - Mrs. Washington's
- Grace - wife of Davy; age 28, plougher; "A very good Plougher--and equally so at all sorts of Work."
- Bob - son of Davy and Grace, age 10
- Sall - daughter of Davy and Grace, age 8
- Judy - daughter of Davy and Grace, age 4
- Augusta - daughter of Davy and Grace, age 1
- Hannah - age 14, no husband; "nearly at her full growth and a woman in appearance."
- Isaac - age 29, in his prime, no wife, lives at Muddy Hole Farm
- James - age 24, at the distillery
- Julius - age 23, carter; "A very good Carter, and can do any other work, although defective in Shape from his Infancy."
- George - McCarty's; Note: Daniel McCarty Jr. (b.1759-d.1801), lived at Cedar Grove on Pohick Bay
- Lucy - age 55, knitter; "Lame, or pretends to be so occasioned by rheumatic pains, but is a good knitter, & so emplyed."
- Briney - daughter of George and Lucy, age 12
- Stately - son of George and Lucy, age 10
- Renney - daughter of George and Lucy, age 6
- Raison - daughter of George and Lucy, age 3
- Morgan - son of George and Lucy, age 2
- Phoenix - son of George and Lucy, age 1
- Milly - age 18, no husband; "A full grown Woman, and (illegible)ly; has been used to Common work only."
- Moses - age 26, in his prime, plowman and carter
- Nancy - age 16, no husband "The same--in all respects." (to Milly)
- Paschall - in his prime; wife Cornelia lately lost (deceased) at Muddy Hole Farm
- Rose - deceased
- Grace - age 12, daughter of Rose (deceased)
- Isaac - age 14, son of Rose (deceased)
- Sabine - age 60; "A good working woman, notwithstanding her (age)."
- Nancy - age 10, daughter of Sabine
- Jack - Mrs. Washington's
- Siss - age 25, wife of Jack; plougher; "Ploughs Well--and can Milk & Churn."
- Spencer - age 20, carter and mower; "A good Carter and Mower and able at any business."
- Tom - age 28, in his prime, no wife, getting blind
- Will - old but hearty, looks after the stock; wife at Mrs. French's (Penelope Manley French lived at Rose Hill Plantation, on the back road to Alexandria)
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Dogue Run Farm
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